- Adopted in Over 40 Countries Worldwide
3-Second Peel
Your Tabletop Fruit Revolution
Widely adopted across major convenience store fruit factories, top kiwi plants, leading U.S. supermarkets, and global lemon peel distilleries.
Achieve 150% higher yield for pineapples, reducing food waste.
3 Seconds
Peel fruits in just 3 seconds, quadrupling efficiency.
40 Countries
Used in over 40 countries; from major convenience stores to the largest kiwi and lemon zest processors.
- KA-750PM
The Only Tabletop Electric Peeler for Pineapples, Melons, Mangoes, and Pumpkins
Handles 300 pieces per hour.
- Specifically designed for pineapples, mangoes, and melons.
- Works with different varieties like pineapple, honeydew melon, muskmelon, round and elongated mangoes, and pumpkins.
- Already used globally for peeling a large variety of fruits and vegetables.
- Offers the best yield rate in its class.
- Newly developed blades handle even the toughest pineapple skins.
- Achieves 150% yield for pineapples (60% yield increase) compared to traditional cutters, significantly reducing costs.
- Capable of beautifully peeling unstable fruits and vegetables just as it would with regular ones, thanks to ASTRA’s patented technology.
- Adjustable depth for peeling, allowing for surface-only peeling (zesting).
- Results in a cleaner peeled surface than manual peeling, extending the shelf life and maintaining fruit integrity better, while preventing juice drip and food spoilage.
- Easier maintenance and repair compared to larger models.
- 720% productivity at an East Asia pineapple factory
- Peeling in front of the customers at Taiwanese supermarkets
- 50% labor fee saved at a central kitchen in the USA
- Japanese factories with strict hygiene control
- 30% less waste at a processing factory in India

KA-750PM - Image library

Live Peeling Demonstration
- Products
Peel Smarter,
Not Harder
with Our Machine
About US
Astra Inc. is a manufacturer dedicated to ‘fast and beautiful’ peeling machines for fruits and root vegetables.
We focus on high-speed electric peelers as our main product line. Our commitment to quality and innovation has been recognized with several awards, including the ‘KITCHEN INNOVATIONS AWARD’ in 2018, the ’25th Tohoku New Business Award’ in January 2019, and the ’14th Nippon New Business Creation Award Entrepreneur Division Excellence Award’ in December 2019.
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